La Familia Auto Insurance

1200 N. Josey Lane
Carrollton, TX 75006

Phone: (972) 586-7492

La Familia Insurance is a fast growing company that is dedicated to serving all of the insurance needs of its customers. We make sure that our offices are conveniently located and that all our employees offer the very best service. It is our promise to ensure that our customers have a consistently excellent experience, whether it is making a payment or starting a new policy. We promise to always be friendly, cheerful, and make you feel like a member of our family. La Familia Insurance is a privately held LLC registered with the State of Texas and the Texas Department of Insurance. We represent several respected underwriters that have been in business for extended periods of time and provide coverage for both standard and non-standard customers for auto, home and commercial needs.

Location map for La Familia Auto Insurance in Carrollton, TX

Tips for Finding an Agent

Insurance Buying Tip

Insurance rates in Carrollton, are constantly changing so it's a good idea get comparison quotes at least once a year to ensure your current policy premiums are a good deal. Call La Familia Auto Insurance at (972) 586-7492 or visit their office in Carrollton to get an insurance review.

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