Josh Lewis Agency
1007 S Congress Ave # 10g
Austin, TX 78704-8723
Phone: (512) 441-2763
Location map for Josh Lewis Agency
Tips for Finding an Agent
- Do not rely on yellow page ads
- If the agent is too busy to sit down with you, find a different agent
- Independent agents generally work with more companies than captive agents
- Captive agents are limited to a single company's rates
- Ask for their license number and if they balk, find a new agent
Insurance Buying Tip
Consider combining your home and auto coverage together to get a multi-policy discount. Most companies that offer coverage in Texas, and more specifically Austin, provide major savings if you combine policies with one company.
Call Josh Lewis Agency at (512) 441-2763 or go to their location in Austin to get an insurance review.
Frequently Asked Questions
- How can I find an agent in Austin?
- Should I raise my deductibles?
- How can I file an insurance company complaint?
- What should my deductibles be?
- What is the difference between comprehensive and collision coverage?